General Information 

Access to UCOL Library​

1.       ​Borrowing rights/privileges are extended to:​ 

·        Current students enrolled in fee paying courses offered by UCOL.

·        All staff currently employed by UCOL.

·        Members of UCOL Council.

·        Persons or agencies granted limited access to the library’s collections at the ​discretion of the Library and Learning Manager.

·        Libraries who use the interlibrary loan service.


​In addition the Library may be used for reference purposes by other students, members of other educational institutions and the general public.


2.     ​​ The official UCOL staff and student ID card becomes the library user card on registration with the library. This card must be presented at the Circulation Desk for all library transactions.


3.       Borrowers may not lend their ID cards or borrow material for other people.


Loans and Lending


1.      The library reserves the right to restrict an item in high demand to a shorter loan period without notice, and to recall an item by issuing a recall notice giving the new date when the item must be returned.


2.      There will be a maximum limit to the number of items a borrower may have on issue at any one time. The number of items a borrower may take on any one subject may also be limited.


3.      Borrowers may renew items provided they are not overdue and if they have not been reserved by other borrowers. Limits to the number of renewals per item may exist.


4.      Borrowers are responsible for ensuring that their library loans are returned on time and in good condition.


5.      Borrowers will be charged fines for overdue material and the replacement cost of an item if material is lost or damaged.


6.       A variety of material in high demand will be kept at the Circulation Desk on Desk Reserve.


7.      Course-related items not held by UCOL Library may be requested on Interloan from another library. The supplying library will be determined by the Interloan Librarians.


8.      UCOL students and staff may borrow material from all UCOL libraries, an intercampus delivery service is provided. The library will also provide a delivery service to students enrolled in courses offered by UCOL who are located outside of UCOL’s region but within New Zealand.


Loan Lengths

Enrolled UCOL students and staff are able to borrow items from the Library. You can have a maximum of 15 items issued to you at any one time.

Various loan lengths are available:

3 Weeks ​The majority of library material falls within this category
​1 Week ​High use material
​2 Days ​Applies to special items (see your Library)
​3 Hours
​Desk Reserves Collection including Laptops (use only on Campus)

Renewing the Due Date

Borrowers are encouraged to return library resources on time or renew items before they become overdue. Fines for overdue materials apply. Borrowing privileges may be removed for students accruing Library debt.

To renew the items you have out on loan please go to the Library catalogue and login or contact your Library.

Providing no one is waiting to borrow the item you wish to renew, you will be able to extend the due date up to two more times.

Overdue Notices

All notices will be sent to your Student or Staff email address and are sent as a courtesy only.

Library invoices will be sent by email. If you have an item that is long overdue you will receive an invoice. Any accounts not settled within one month will be referred to the UCOL Debt Collection Agency.


Fines for overdue items apply as follows on a per item basis after the due date.

​General Collection ​Fines for the late return of general collection books are charged at the rate of $0.10 per day.
​Desk Reserves Fines for the late return of desk reserve books are charged at the rate of $0.10 per minute.
Laptops Fines for late return of laptop items are charged at the rate of $0.10 per minute.

Library staff may recall items at any time, and if these are not returned within 2 working days you will be liable for a standard $20 fine.

When a borrower owes $5.00 or more in fines or lost book costs, rights to borrow any further items from the Library may be suspended until the record is clear.