Other Resources
Students are able to borrow laptops from the Library which can be used anywhere on campus where there is wireless available.
You can borrow a laptop for up to 3 hours. These laptops have the same software as available in the Learning Hub along with Wireless Internet Access.
- Laptop items are issued for 3 hours maximum
- Items taken late in the day must be returned by closing time - there are no overnight loans of these items
- A limit of one Laptop computer per student applies
- Fines for late return of laptop items are charged at the rate of $0.10 per minute per item.
- Borrowers who persistently have overdue Laptop items may find their borrowing privileges withdrawn
- When a borrower owes $5.00 or more in fines or lost item costs, rights to borrow any further material from the Library may be suspended until the record is clear
Personal Laptops and Mobile Devices
Your personal laptop and mobile device can be connected to UCOL’s WIFI. For more information click here.