Wellbeing Services

Your physical and mental wellbeing plays a big part in your success in the classroom, and each campus has a specialist staff member who can refer you to organisations that support physical, mental and spiritual health.


It’s normal to sometimes feel overwhelmed by what life throws at you, so if you do feel as though you need someone to talk to, our staff are more than happy to chat.


Students on all Campuses have access to Counselling and the Nurse Practitioner service by either phone or video link. Please follow this link https://ucol.libcal.com/appointments to book.


UCOL Rainbow and Diversity Group

This group facilitated by MALGRA, meets fortnightly. This is open to students on all campuses and aims to provide support and advice to all LGBTIQ/GLITTEEFABB UCOL Students. Anyone is welcome to join no matter where you are in your Rainbow journey. Please contact office@malgra.org.nz for meeting space and/or remote link.


UCOL Manawatū

Free counselling sessions are available for all students. In person, online, by text and by phone. Counsellors are available during normal operating hours and limited after hours. Specialist Alcohol and Drug Counsellors are also available. Please book by following https://ucol.libcal.com/appointments


Students under 24 years old can access free doctor, nurse, and counselling appointments at the Youth One Stop Shop across the road from the campus.


UCOL Whanganui

Whatever​ provides UCOL students with free doctor, nurse and counselling appointments. Please email Wellbeing-Wg@ucol.ac.nz if you would like to access these services.


UCOL Wairarapa

A Counsellor is available to students on campus. Please email Wellbeing-Wai@ucol.ac.nz for an appointment.
